Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
DTU er et teknisk eliteuniversitet med international rækkevidde og standard. Vores mission er at udvikle og nyttiggøre naturvidenskab og teknisk videnskab til gavn for samfundet.
Train tickets - mainly after the symposium
Link to original notes 11.09.24
Link to original notes 13.09.24
Link to original notes 15.09.24 and 17.09.24
Link to original notes 19.09.24
Link to original notes 21.09.24
11.09.24 Train from København Hbf to Roskilde, platform 8.
10:00 Indian-looking conductor asking for ticket and then ID. Another girl in front 'forgot ticket' and didn't have to show ID.
Calling police she says now if I don't sign (the ticket).
'Called a colleague' and simoustanely asked me where I'd like to go.
Told her Roskilde in the beginning.
Wrote a ticket and that I'd need to go off at the next station.
She did not want to write anything by hand, ticket is empty and she spent 3-4mins typing on the phone.
She acted very nervous, as if she was attacking to hide something.
Maybe a spy?
12:30 RUC Science department
Took a boxer and pair of socks at 365 Discount at Trekroner. Had forgot that I took a boxer and pair of socks at DR Byen Netto, prior to the incident at 10:00.
Think I saw Annemette whom I'd mailed two days ago. She had the same energy/movement structure as the librarian at Rygge who lied and was involved with the military guy. May of course be wrong about it.
Friday 13 September 12:30 DTU, Library
Yesterday I walked to 7/11 by Hart and took the Metro to Nordhavn looking for cigarillos. Found a tower with the German bird. At the 6th floor were a Nordic HUB - Flour company and also the German Embassy.
Took the elevator the 6th, rung the bell on Flour and walked in; a 30 year old opened and asked who/why I am here for.
Told him I'll tell him, but needed to use the bathroom first.
He subtly pointed to both the doors, when I tried to open #1 he said its #3. Brushed and cleaned teeth. Got out and asked why there's flour in the water and toothpaste - I'd read/heard about conspiracy theories. He got confused and got the boss.
A black woman was there.
She told me to leave.
I showed the memory pen to the boss and asked if he could take a look at the thesis/dissertation on flouride. "Science"
He said no and I left.
Got to the 9th floor and saw that Schjødt had a library. Told the receptionst I'm from Oslo.
Found an interesting book named Analytical Methods for Lawyers 2003
Caroline [?] Bunde
Was told to leave; said I studied architecture and also had a court case.
Went to Maersk, took a gum and the receptionist asked who I've got an appointment with. Told me to leave.
In the lobby chair sat a woman who I'd seen at the Metro. Took a pic and got told to delete it.
Went to another area and asked the kiosk worker what building was at the other side of the street. "Police?"
"It's a military building."
Saw a gas station. Asked the female clerk if she had cigarillos. I subtly pointed at Moods and Signature Red. She took up something else, then these two.
I put a 200 or 400 DKK wine on the counter and left.
She said she can't do that and walked behind me.
"Why won't you listen?"
"You are leaving the premises"
"Why are you leaving the premises?"
She continued past the premises and called the police. They answered as we were outside and I returned the cigarillos.
After that things reminded me of Kharkov and the fascism-behavior in the population. E.g. a bus waited for me until I came close, then drove away. People were keeping an eye on me and trying to steer the movement through blocks. Could feel an anxious energy and fear of police.
Arrived at DTU around 20:00.
Sunday 15.09.24 Crowne Plaza 20:00
Have spent 2-3 nights, not the last few days, at the 2nd floor at Crowne Plaza.
Usually been at the 2nd floor. [It got closed off because of an event]
Playing music at the lounge area. Dinner at 2nd floor.​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Didn't know the Dota 2 world finals ended earlier at Royal Arena Copenhagen.
Afterparty at Crowne Plaza.
It seems to me that Team Liquid (who's lost to Gaimin Gladiators in five previous grand finals) cheated. This can be observed in the counter to the counter-attack at 7:52:00.
Looking at the players at the video recordings also shows that they're not gratified and feeling good in the same way a winner would - they knew they won by cheating.​​
It's also quite interesting that Russian esports players are competing with European, American and Asian players. May be a loophole that e.g. allows things to be structured and also opens up for Russian oligarchs to invest in teams and/or players who competes in e.g. Denmark.
17.09.24 22:30 Crowne Plaza
Laid down at the 'usual couch', 3-4 teenagers came and played billiard. They were held by someone else connected to the female receptionist; blonde one.
Security asked us to leave. Security is aware of the security at Hub Nordic telling me to leave earlier today. All female.
Planning to do dynamic at 02-03 AM - that's the variable.​
Cell Therapeutic Engineering: From Signaling to Manufacturing
DTU Bioengineering’s fifth annual one-day symposium features an exciting program with the aim of bringing together industry and academia to highlight new trends in digital tools and biotechnological undertakings to push cell therapies to the next level.
Despite the promising advances in cell therapies, many challenges related to both development and production need to be addressed. Therefore, the program explores the entire spectrum from fundamental molecular insights into cell specification pathways and cell systems modeling to advanced delivery systems and innovative approaches for cell manufacturing to enhance tolerability, safety, and scalability to make cell therapies accessible to more patients.
Divided into four main sessions, the program features recognized speakers from both academia and industry, a poster session, and a panel discussion featuring keynote speakers and major stakeholders. The symposium is free of charge, but registration is required. We encourage entry-level scientists to sign up with a poster, and ask that you follow the poster guidelines.
19.09.24 DTU
Filmed the presentation by Weihua Tian on Genetic
Engineering of iPSCs prior to security approaching.
Presentation by Weihua Tian, Ph.D (11:30 actual time)
Link to video of security approaching 13:00
There's an event with several presentations.
About 13:10.
Two security approached 13:00.
Got a feeling police have been contacted or
are on their way.
I've filmed some of the presentations.
Seems like warfare is happening through
Universities and research & development.
Presentation by Martti Maimets on ulcerative colitis​
13:45 approx
Talk about the 'Complex cellular..'.
Certain people are very nervous and controlling.
Seems like a big scam. Pharma-scam?
mNRA-protein, steady state..
Satija lab (Azimuth)
Project, 2022, submitted paper 1,5 month ago.
Uni of Copenhagen and Münich.
Curious about how many people in here and
online are knowledgable enough to critically
look at what they're talking/educating/structuring about.
20.09.24 12:30
Sitting at the computer at Bella Center hotel. Two guys to my right.
Cannot upload the pictures from the event yesterday onto pCloud - it stops at 0kb.
There's an event about MS at the Bella Center area, got kicked out
by two security there for not having a badge. Was there for about
a couple of hours. Took pictures of the different stands and
companies there.
Structured the door prior lunch. Now closed. Everyone used it.
Single-cell; conference in a month.
Structuring the 2 other doors.
A couple of guys entered 20 mins ago.
Two new 10 mins ago.
1 and 2 are 'outside' of the structured space. #2 is a hacker and trying to hack me/my phone.
Speaker from UiC is triggered.
14:10 Turned off phone.
Peptigrowth, Japanese/Chinese company
Turned on phone
Uploaded files to ftp; only one file got up. Rest is 0kb.
No more space likely.
Connected to a network outside of the room at DTU. Speaker; cellerator, speaking through the web due to "sickness".
They've got the money/funds. Equipment.
People for R & D.
"Main opportunity..", approx 12:00 on vid.
"Direct conflict" - Freudian slip
Competitor connected to it.
15:00 Speaker got triggered and is verbally emphasizing Danish speech/words.
Testing in Africa. Less restrictions on/based off of policies.
Novo Nordisk Foundation Cellerator bought DTU - est. a research..? Building? Facility
"Inviting researchers into the faclities"
Process and development
Fully owned by Novo
Technical areas
Closed off
"The future"
Translation from studies to 'real life'
Novo guiding projects
25:00 Implementing structure "Scale"
Interesting timing in relation to EU, Ursula and Europol. [Didn't know this]
Partnerships; technologies; startup focus
"Hole in the ground is filled"
Protocols Screening environment
Threshold Biological data Commercial
Adaptable Maturity vs qualitative Probability
Set criteria Guideline compliance
​15:10 video of some of Mats Åkessons' presentation
New Hampshire; building now
Skimming through collaborations; scams
Is he Chinese or Asian?
Done facial/bodily operations?
Strata in processes/research
The visualizations
Battery dead; 15:15
Osho Smile on his pancreas
"There is some hope" - engineering
15:25 Tuned into what they're setting up and shared to the internet.
Something about about something at an axis in space.
They're trying to look from several perspectives from the same metaphysical/philosopical/psychological frame.
Using the axis on their presentations.
blue/green green/blue
A German is angry at 15:30
Threw in the energetic mechanism
Must have an anal fixation these scientists
Novo Nordisk Cell Theraphy
Heartseed Inc
1923 "Self-therapy"
Sending energy out to somewhere
Upside-down approach
15:45 Door opened by Asian woman
Currently killing test-patients
Panel Debate
​Link to video recording: Panel Debate 1
Started recording 15:56, ended approximately 16:10​
Link to video recording: Panel Debate 2
Started recording 16:10, ended approximately 16:48
16:15 / 02:00(Panel debate 2)
This is..Got too many words.
The hospital-University connection is scary.
That woman is power hungry.
Policies "complicated"
Trying to scapegoat me and hurt me.
"What the hierarchy here?"
08:00(Panel debate 2) Turning into a 'gender war'
11:20 - 11:30(Panel debate 2) The panel men think I'm "on their team".
15:40 She went 'digital' ala the trains
Threw in the energetic mechanism
17:30 (actual time) / 17:00(Panel debate 2) Stomach beginning to act up
One more question
Data analysis; integrate AI in development & lab
Constructing models as warfare
Security at DTU
19:00 2 Securitas entered the library and asked for student ID card.
Have to leave; not allowed to stay here after 18:00.
Slept here maybe 8 times. 3-5 times the last week or so.
Set up. Asking to see inside my bag or they'll call the police.
Showed it to the girl working here earlier.​
20:00 2 books from RUC triggered the alarm. On the bus to Nørrebro st.
There was a news article on New York times' website about an investor selling his stocks and backing out of the company.
During the symposium, as all their bullshit were being exposed, the stock went down from the stock went down 5% 896,90 DKK to 850 DKK.
Saturday 21 September 2024 18:20
At Solrød Strand library to update website and add videos/pictures from DTU and also the ECTRIMS 40th Anniversary at Bella Arena.
There's 4 spots with computers. At one of them sits a guy who's been here 90% of the times I've been here. At another sits a guy who's been here 10-20% of the times. A third guy started energetically 'threading' and sits on another spot. A fourth guy is at the only working computer at the kids' area.
21.09.24 19:45 Sitting at Solrød Strand bibliotek
Sorting files and updating the website. Created a folder at the pCloud website and moved/added the pictures of the Symposium brochure half an hour ago. Was going to add 10 more files into the folder but it's gone at the pCloud website. The link still works here though.
Link to video recording: Security 1
Started filming 19:19, lasted 30 seconds
Link to video recording: Security 2
Started filming 19:22, ended approximately 1938
Pictures from security, police, military going through the bag and handbag after the symposium.
Lund University
Some of the images/pages are not in the correct place
Peace Day 2024: Elusive Peace in Israel Palestine?
24.09.24 Lund University 13:00
International Peace day
Department of Social Science
13:10 Waiting. Blonde connected to Nationalist Socialist 'support'/'safety' and structured energetically the audience - publikum.
Vice Ambassador traveled to Turkey - her friend who invited her to a National party.
Freudian slip: "spirituality"​​
Cyclical - how peace works
History; institutions
Peace diplomacy
1964 1967 1987 19??
EU Jimmy 2024
13:36 Started filming
IB walked behind while recording
1999 2000
phD in peace negotiation
13:31 Filmed for 2 mins while breathing a little bit
KA is the mother of the P and C program
From Uni in NY, came last year
Filmed for 4mins.
My gut tells me that there's a conflict between HT and the three others - 'muslim' or dark-skin vs Nordic. Seems like there's conflicting military groups behind them.
14:07 7 oct. attacks
1922-1948 Jerusalem / Oasis of Peace
Ottoman Empire
British take over the land
Tuned into 'muslim', 'Jew', 'Christian' and 'Arab' and asked what she meant. Scared of saying those words now.
Filmed, time is now 14:25
Lise Strømbom
School for Peace
No more space or battery
25. September 2024 11:15
Lund University, Economics building
'Securitas' been installing things here, some fire signs and a fire spray at the staff's area where I'm sitting now. Was in the basement at LINC last evening.
Yesterday I went through the - or - one mail from when I worked as a bicycle postal delivery guy for Bring. Customers were mainly law firms and others like Bloomberg, Schjødt and J.P. Morgan.
11:30 At Linc basement
I think someone have a direct, and am fully aware of it, relationship with the Nordic secret service/police here. One or more of the girls and some guys. And I'm not talking about the obvious - PST.
Lazard Storytel Boule Diagnostics AB Grand Hotel in Lund Green Landscaping Group AB Plaqueoff Swedencare Kinnevik Hypoteket Brummer & Partners Kungsträdgården Stickybit EQT Ventures Women's Business Conference Copenhagen Fintech Capital Four HSCB Telia Parken FC Copenhagen Danish National team Bain Associate Consultant NatWest OC&C ALANTRA GP.Bullhound Livingstone Heimstaden
Felix Anderson, Staffan Bulow, and Patrik Nilsson ABG Sundal Collier in Stockholm, summer 2019
Sara Selin​
SEB in Stockholm, summer 2019
Wictor Family Office Procter&Gamble Lundbeckfonden CreditSuisse DI's Sustainable Business Conference Börsgruppen vid Lunds Universitet
"Sverieg som allierad"
Torsdag 17 oktober
Lunds Akademiska Officerssälskap
Oxford Research HT 2024 (Belgien)
AMA Lecture 5 Duality and Choice
Fredrik Anderson 25 September 2024
12:10 Teacher arrived
Readings: Osborne and Rubenstein
Classical consumption theory
Review question
u(x) = max {x1, x2} Is it continous?
Is it monotone? Yes, weakly
u(x) = x1, -x2 Not convax
Teacher is being energetically raped to control him through shame. He gets a half-boner and they(people in the lecture hall and outside) structure him/students through answers he writes.
He makes things too complicated. Earlier he understood it and broke the equation down to make it simpler while explaining it more carefully. He got attacked and the reaction was to make it more difficult and also a mistake.
Quasi-linear preferences
u(x)=x1 x√x2
When I try to follow along he makes mistakes and have to correct it x .
​Break (look at notes to see the mathematical equations and graphs)
Mathematical interpretation​
Marshallian demand and Indirect utily
Hicksian/compensated demand
Shepard's lemma Slutsky equations
Teacher seems to be pleasing Z.
Structured the door prior lunch. Now closed. Everyone used it.
Single-cell; conference in a month.
Structuring the 2 other doors.
A couple of guys entered 20 mins ago.
Two new 10 mins ago.
Investment Banking Forum
When: Friday, September 27th, 09:00-17:30.
Where: Lund University School of Economics & Management.
Application deadline: Friday, September 13th, 23:59.
Participation fee: 350 kr + (LINC membership required).
The Investment Banking Forum (IBF) is LINC’s largest and most popular event. Held annually during the second half of September, the 18th edition will take place at Lund University School of Economics & Management on September 27th. The event provides participants the opportunity to meet and interact with top-tier investment banks. Ambitious students who are awarded a spot will have the chance to interact with firm representatives from Stockholm and London through workshops, case studies, interviews, and networking sessions.
This year, participating firms include:
Fidelity Investments, Capital Group, Citi, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, SEB, Barclays, ABG Sundal Collier, Danske Bank, BNP Paribas & Nomura
The day will begin with an introduction and opening remarks from Ture Eknor, President of LINC, followed by a presentation from our keynote speaker. We will then proceed with a series of workshops and presentations, a lunch break, and conclude the day with a networking session. After the event, dinner will be served at Tegnérs Matsalar to round off the evening.
To submit your application for the IBF 2024, please follow the application guidelines carefully, as applications not in line with the guidelines will not be considered.
See guidelines: https://docs.google.com/.../1Iq99qhxCAJ1Qn__A1K.../edit...
Submit your application through: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSchyPn1jWq.../viewform...
All applicants will be contacted by email on September 15th. Students selected for the IBF are required to be present in the LINC finance lab, located in EC1 at LUSEM, on September 16th between 14:00-16:00 to have their photos taken for the CV booklet. If you cannot be physically present in Lund on September 16th, you must submit a photo with your application.
Additionally, a mandatory informational meeting for the selected students will be held on September 20th. This meeting aims to provide information about the event and brief participants on the material to review before the event. Please note that for those participating in the IBF, full-day attendance and active participation in the informational meeting are mandatory.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Svante Jansson, Head of Events, Events@linclund.com
Lukas Forsman, Head of External Partnerships, Externalrelations@linclund.com
Written notes from Lund University
Tickets gotten while/after visiting LINC
LINC IBF 2024 booklet: Prior to the event there was a girl in the library. I was in the cellar and rated the potential recruits.
LINC Yearbook 2019-2020: It seems like they killed someone for profit. It may be wrong, but would be worth checking out.
LINC Börsveckan: Jeanette Reutherskiöld
Lund University Biology department: Got kicked out of the Economics department by one of the heads w/ security. Walked to the station and saw the biology department and honestly asked to talk to one of their professors regarding a question about Bayes theorem. Couldn't figure out the process when studying at Vrije University Amsterdam.
Lund University Economics department: Some dreams I had.​
Lund University LINC: Notes and items taken from booklets in the LINC cellar
UMEUS Co-living: This is the place where I immediately went to/slept at after visiting LINC. Two security passed while around 01:30-02:00 a couple of days ago while at the Amager department. Yesterday one security with Securitas number 145423 kicked me out 05.10.24 01:30 at Nordhavn. The three security dots - energetic thing - didn't work on him.
05.10.24 Køge Toldbodvej
04.10.24 Sitting at the library at RUC and writing this
Got stopped by security at Netto Toldbodvej in Køge yesterday for taking items worth about 190 DKK.
Here's the video. Didn't have enough space to film the whole interaction after the police arrived.
Friday 11 Oktober 2024 København 20:00
The Tube opened today, line till the main entrance.
The King and Queen seem to be having a party.
Going to Nørrebro to see
15.10.24 Pale Bar, Copenhagen
I am not going to or having the intention of making this personal.
However, this chapter is coming to an end and the stakes are incraesing.
Last day of sickness and not pushing.
Am here with a former military guy with experience and also who seems to have worked with the EU intelligence.
He's been exposed by one of this "friends", and he's right now realizing it.
01:40 Lund C to CPH Airport
Monday 21.10.24 Vejle, South Jutland
Mail to the police in Southern Jutland - sojyl@politi.dk
Anmeldelse av vold - straffeloven paragraf 244 og av politiet
My name is Rudi Darbo, born 27.12.89.
Norwegian personalnumber 27128937337.
I am sending a police report for an assault at Rema 1000, Jyllandsgade 6, 7100 Vejle. The assault happened today, 21.10.24 between 09:15 and 09:40.
The police report is towards a woman named Susanne(store detective), a guy who identified himself as a store detective, two workers at Rema 1000 and also the police.
The police officers A0660 and C1104 lied about the evidence and assisted in covering up the assault.
These notes were taken while inside the store:​
Woman ripped backpack, took hold of me and my bag​
She then accused me of 'overfald'.​
Called private number, "police" / "store detective guy"
These notes were written immediately afterwards:​
Guy assaulted me, the store detective guy
Police told me I was 'bortvist' 'og anmeldt for tyveri.'
Took 1 Rema 1000 yellow pesto, 1 Rema 1000 red pesto, 1 pack of cheese, 1 protein bread.
These notes were written after leaving the area:​
C1104 said he watched the video recording from when I was 'anholdt for butikkstyveri' and while we were in the back room and that it was not assault by the woman, the "store detective guy" and/or the two workers at Rema 1000.
This is what happened:​
The woman grabbed the backpack when I had passed the counter with the items in the bag, then forcefully drew it backwards and grabbed the bag I had in the right hand. She said she's a store detective (insunuating she has police authority). Proceeded to be physically violent. Told her that she was not allowed to be physical and to let me go. She wouldnt.
I said it is assault where she replied that I was assaulting her while defending myself without hurting anyone. Called her friend, the "store detective guy" (saying police).
He arrives and grabs the right strap on the front of the backpack and attacks. Tells me to go in the back while he holds. I say "no, if you let me go". He proceeds to escalate and tries to pull me down where I carefully defend. She joins in and grabs the left arm/side of body. He tried to grab the right leg(a strange kind of single leg takedown) whereI used both arms to defend.
He tells the Rema 1000 workers to grab the other legs. It escalates further and I let go a bit. They start pulling/pushing me and I walk along to the back room.
In the back room they said "stand there". "Sit!"
They all proceed to pull me down to the floor. On the floor I resist a bit to not get put into a really bad position because they were very agressive and told me to lie on my stomach. He proceeds to put knee on belly while dragging my right arm in a reserve kimura position behind my head. The woman sits on my legs while I have both hooks in, lying on the side. The guy tells me to lie on my stomach. I reply "No, you're agressive."
I relax and breathe while he continue to yell and ask why I'm so stupid.. "stealing". He proceeds to do the move police did on the black guy in America who got killed. I relax and breathe while in a position where I can escape if it gets escalated further - feeling the fear that if I do anything the police will assault/attack when they arrive. My gut says they were tuned in on the situtation and that it was a real threat.
He continues to escalate it. Then he sits on the top of my upper body, leg on throat while the woman sits on the legs.
He then continues further and grabs my nose.
Police arrives.
After having watched the video and going outside I tell the police, C1104 that it was assault. C1104 says that they're allowed to detain me in case I run away.
The backpack had a hole in it prior to the assault, but the area between the backpack and left strop got ripped when the woman pulled it.
All the best,
Rudi Darbo
29.10.24 Køge politistation
29.10.24 16:30
Doesn't want to show ID-N
"Psykisk syk"
Someone stole at the same time, guy in large green jacket.
They tried to put the energy on me.
-> They let him go and didn't properly check it.
Snakket norsk, tror/sier jeg er svensk
D1844 - act/look like an addict
11:20 - Took cheese pops, aoili, hummus and majskager
16:30 - Juice, water, coffee
Wants 'erstatningskrav'
"Do you have some mental heals?" - ref. mental issues.
Going through bag
"What are you doing in DK?"
Going through backpack -> Took out a tool
"You don't have penge to betale?"
Woman in blue top, black pants
Protruding ears
Brown-dark hair
Sent energy/mechanism through police to the cleaning bucket and me
Have to go w/police to take photos/fingerprints
The 'store detective' referred to herself as 'working for the police' - quickly showed ID once. Refused to do so a second time when I was taking notes.
Police arrives rapidly; they'd arrested someone coming off the train prior to coming to the store
D1844 was asking lots of questions and pushed it when not answering
One of the women working in the store
Started breathing; D1844 got reactive, acted insecure/anxious and told me to calm down/relax. Asking if I am alright(putting 'mental instability' on me) and then handcuffed me when I carefully probed and continued
Days prior to this
Prior to getting stopped by the two store detectives at 365 Discount Stationsplads Køge, I'd been at Køge bibliotek, 365 Discount (same store), Solrød Strand bibliotek (slept the night). Day before; Solrød Strand bibliotek, Netto Solrød Strand, 365 Discount Solrød Strand(wasn't welcome; they'd seen me take a bag of food last time), Føtex Fisketorvet, 365 Discount Trekroner, Roskilde Universitet bibliotek.
At Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek around 4-5 AM a male cleaning worker saw me lying at a couch in the basement. He said that the security company could/would get a fine for it. A little later a group of 6-8 cleaning ladies inquired into it.
Around 7 a male librarian says I have to leave. Outside there's 2 women and 1 guy smoking. RUC employee arrives on a cargo-bike with Milwaukee toolbox. A large garbage-trailer is outside the student house/cafe. An Arne Pedersen trailer drives at the parking lot - or maybe it was an Arne Pedersen worker leaving.
Never seen so much external personelle working at/around a University library before.
Stayed the day at RUb. In the afternoon I walked past a newly painted area(painted that day) behind the librarians desk/counter and automatically structured it energetically.
Køge politistation
In the police car on the way to the station D1844 calls the incident in and also adds 77334 or 74335 - memory is distorted. D1844 looks/analyses the passport while I hear an internal loud voice say 'it's fake'.
Both during the car ride and at the fingerprint/photo room D1844 mention udlændingloven and discusses how to journal the incident.
During the fingerprints/photos the police officers were talking to another guy and also said that they could write this-and-this in the journal instead of what really happened. "Ingen registrert adresse" wasn't good enough and D1844 said he would check with the police in Norway.
D1844 told A2470 to send the fingerprints internationally and to several options.​
After taking the fingerprints/photos I was told to stay in a cell while they got the necessary papers. Stayed in the cell for maybe 30 minutes.
Got the papers - bødeforelegg with an old address and a required 500DKK payment to Offerfonden.
Fonden finansieres af et såkaldt offerbidrag på 500 kr. Det betales af lovovertrædere i sager, hvor der er begået kriminalitet af mere alvorlig karakter og ved grovere færdselsforseelser.
Was taken out of the cell - walked out of a hallway and into an area currently being renovated. In these rooms the same automatic energetic structuring as at RUb happened.
Released 18:33. Got structured in the cell.
365 Discount, Rådhusstrædet 10a Køge
Noticed this:
Kommuneplan for 2017 - 2029 focuses on the Universities
The jumping chalk game is also outside of several campus areas
Picture from September 2022 shows 365 Discount
Picture from November 2022 shows an Irma store
Currently 365 Discount Køge has an image of Fakta
The construction was being done in June 2017 according to google maps. On their profile there's a picture from inside the store dating April 2016.