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The Pipe generation

In September 2023 I traveled from Oslo to Southern France using the trains and observing police, security and military presence and activities. 6 months later in May 2024 I did the same and noticed how the patterns had changed in relation to the borders, military presence and security behavior.


I study architecture and am interested in Foucault, Manuel DeLanda (he's Deleuzian) and Jane Jacobs. These studies started with Jane Jacobs where I studied The Death and Life of Great American Cities as a post-WW2 reaction from, mainly, women who lost trust in the phallus - true leadership from men. Hence, hate against men through architecture.


This has lead me to Maren Bjerkeng, Ellen DeVibe and Espen Barth Eide. I find Ellen DeVibe's dream of doing architectural studies of Majorstuen as Her Royal Majesty Margrethe II in a horse carriage quite dangerous - especially in the transition to digital as we're currently living through.


I traveled to Ukraine and saw no evidence of bombings done after 2022 and am starting a 2 year study of Oslo -> Western Scandinavia megaregion -> STRING network -> EU / NATO.

30.03.24 - 28.05.24

After writing the three first notes which can be found in "Trip to Kharkov" I traveled to Berlin and delivered them to:
The Bundesnachrichtendienst
Chausseestraße 96, 10115 Berlin, Tyskland

The doors were closed so I threw the 3 notes/papers in to the entrance.

Botschaft der Russischen Föderation
Unter den Linden 63-65, 10117 Berlin, Tyskland

The security guard would not let me in so I threw the papers in behind the metal door close to the intersection.

Französische Botschaft
Pariser Platz 5, 10117 Berlin, Tyskland

I managed to get past the security who guarded the area and then put the papers through the main door to the Embassy.

Königlich Norwegische Botschaft
Rauchstraße 1, 10787 Berlin, Tyskland

Königlich Dänische Botschaft
Rauchstraße 1, 10787 Berlin, Tyskland

I entered the main entrance at the Nordic Embassies building. There were two guards there and since it was on a Saturday I was not allowed to personally deliver the notes to someone in the office. One of the guards said that he would take it and deliver it for me - the guard didn't seem clean/honest so I decided to send the notes to both Königlich Norwegische Botschaft and Königlich Dänische Botschaft through postal services. I am not sure if they got the notes or not. The Norwegian Embassy has not replied the mail where I asked if they did. The mail correspondence can be found here.

I also traveled to Cologne and asked the guard at Bundesamt für den Militärischen Abschirmdienst
Brühler Str. 300, 50968 Köln

and asked if I could deliver a letter - the three notes. He told me no, but I persisted and he said he would call someone from the office to come down and pick it up.

The situation felt a bit off so I left without delivering the notes.

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Königlich Norwegische Botschaft

05.06.24 09:00-10:00 

Oslo Airport

I'd slept at the airport and 20mins until the train to Oslo were going, so I walked around, observing the architecture and looking for things I've not seen before.

Two male police officers stopped me and asked me what I was doing.

They proceeded to ask me where I was going or if I had any tickets I could show; I told them that I'm leaving with the next train to Oslo.

Their questions continued, quite strangely, in a circle around "where are you going?" despite that they already knew when they approached me.                (Avinor house rules)

My gut tells me that they're trying to set up some kind of relationship between "the public" and police officers. 
Similar to the trick women do with men; acting like they can't feel what I feel, trying to hide it and asking questions - akin to the psychosomatic submissive nazi head-bend.

05.06.24 15:30 

Metro senter, Lørenskog

Took 2 250ml smoothies at Rema 1000 Metro Lørenskog. An Avarn-security stopped me after two employees called him. One of his colleagues arrived as well, and since I did not want to show ID or the items he called the police.

Van 6006 with M258, M138 and M175 arrived.

They took me into the backroom with, among other things, a visible paper marked ’confidential’ and a photo of an Arab or Middle Eastern-looking man.

M258 got my passport and registered address. He said according to paragraph 10 that they are allowed to also look through my backpack. «I don’t want that.»

2 more police officers, U734 and U270 were called for their safety. «You might have a gun or knife in your bag.»

M138 and M175 held each of my arms; because «I got aggressive» when I simply stretched out my spine which I usually do in social situations and when I do meditations. It usually makes a physical movement when I elongate my body, which they used to deem me aggressive. «Are you going to calm down now? What will you do if we release your arms?»

This has happened previously when I walked into Radisson Blu Plaza and one of the female receptionists wanted me out. She signaled the police in when one female and two male officers stopped me, on the way out. She referred to ’female intution’ and I was not allowed to leave until they had checked me with the police central.
«What did I do?»
«You seem suspicious» «Paragraph 7»

After going through my private stuff I was dismissed and not allowed to go back in 6 months. I did throw in the energy mechanism.

08.06.24 - 14.06.24

The link below contains notes from 08.06.24 till 14.06.24. I've been accused of serious threats with a knife at Rygge ungdomsskole.


There are notes, a transcript of the event at Rygge bibliotek and video recordings.


Time and locations:

08.06.24 21:00 - Rema 1000 Kanalen, Værftsgata 1, 1511 Moss

09.06.24 18:30 - YX 7-Eleven Rygge, Ryggeveien 348, 1580 Halmstad

10.06.24 11:00 - Rygge bibliotek, Maren Lindsethsvei 3, 1570 Dilling

10.06.24 12:00 - Øst politidistrikt, Rådmann Siras vei 8, 1712 Sarpsborg

10.06.24 20:00 - Helsehuset Sarpsborg, Roald Amundsens gate 17, 1723 Sarpsborg

14.06.24 Recieved a letter from Politimesteren i Øst about infringement of paragraph 263​

28.06.24 14:00

Asker bibliotek

15.06.24 11:00

Sandvika station

Stopped by Securitas after taking 2 protein bars and an Imsdal at Coop Extra Sandvika Station.

The store clerk told the Securitas that I've stolen there before. The security called the police.
"Jeg fikk beskjed av en butikkansatt, de har sett det på kamera."
"Han nekter." (Refering to opening/showing my backpack and/or bag)
"Hvor? .. Jeg trodde du sa coop"
"Ved DNB, bussholdeplassen. Der bussene stopper."
"Ja..Har dere noen på vei nå eller er ingen ledige?"
"Hva skal jeg gjøre nå liksom?"
"Kan bare vente.. vet ikke om de har noen ledige."
"Hvis ikke.. må jo få tilbake varene."

"Kan jeg få de varene du har stjålet?"
"Hører du?"
"Kan du høre meg?"

Iam not repling

"Vil du heller jeg skal gå en straffesak mot det her?"

"Vil du heller vente på kontoret? Slik at du ikke blir eksponert for (inaudible) Klarer du å snakke?"

"Patrulje kommer fra Fornebu." - the store clerk

S244 and O556, police van 5571 arrived.

One of the 'police officers' checked my backpack and put two blue teabags on top of everything else (Pukka night time).

18.06.24 10:30


The security and store clerk (Kiwi, Fornebuporten) saw me put something in my bag. They called the police.

"Hvorfor ønsker du ikke å vise posen din? Er det så farlige ting oppi der?"


T969 and W895 arrived. "Ikke lov å oppholde meg på Fornebu og Snarøya frem til 08:00 torsdag morning."


26.06.24 13:30

Colloseum Majorstua

Prior to taking a bottle of wine at Vinmonopolet, Colloseum Majorstua I'd been to CC Vest, Lilleakerveien 16, 0283 Oslo and taken a RFID-tag off of the bottom of a perfume bottle at a store.

At Vinmonopolet I went into the cooling room and took off the alarm of a wine and put it in my bag/backpack. As I went past the alarm system it went off - the RFID from CC Vest triggered it.

Outside were 2 Securitas waiting - the same girl that was waiting outside Gunnar Øya 08.07.24.

Since I did not want to show my bag the police was called - one of the male employees at Vinmonopolet was determined to have me charged.

I showed the police that what triggered the alarm was the RFID from CC Vest and not the backpack or bag. They still wanted to check the backpack and bag.

At the backroom they acted a bit weird and it did feel like they were actors. When they confiscated the wine they put a letter in my bag.

03.07.24 11:00

08.07.24 18:00

Stopped by security outside of Kiwi Slemdal, Frognerseterveien 27, 0775 Oslo, after taking one pack of hummus and one pack of green pesto. The store clerk called another security guard (Skan Kontroll Vekter, car 24) which called the police when I did not want to show/open my bag.

Two male police officers, X333 and U985, arrived. After getting my name and personal ID-number they asked if I had a knife on me. I said "yes, there's a kitchen knife in my backpack used to slice melons and cheese."

Based off of the police paragraph 7 they checked my backpack and bag and then confiscated my knife. Their reasoning was that "We are confiscating your knife because you're carrying a knife at a public place. They will file a report to the police for it."

08.07.24 18:00

Two security was waiting outside of Gunnar Øye, Majorstuen, after I'd "been in too long in the changing area". They blocked my walking path and asked to check my backpack and bag. I said no and they called the police.

The male police officer was one of the most reactive and violent so far in Oslo and his immediate response when he approached me was to get very close. When I backed he asked why I was aggressive. I got handcuffed. While I was handcuffed they asked me to take off my backpack which isn't possible and also did some strange things.

After the backpack was off they searched it and the female officer tried to check me/my body. When I said I didn't like female police touching me the male one did it instead. He found/touched the t-shirt (in my back, behind the backpack) I'd taken from Follestad. He didn't say anything. He told the security personelle that they couldn't find anything in my backpack or bag and that it most likely was a confusion/mistake.

To my understanding the landowners are the ones who structure the area they own. There's several layers of "land"; I've yet to study topography, but energetically I've experienced several different layers of "spaces" at an area. In France I was shown/saw a guy stealing something from a store and then throwing in an energetic mechanism to stop the store clerks and/or security personelle to stop him. I threw in the same energetic mechanism at Follestad - so I can understand the male police officers confusion about what to do in the situation since the store clerks usually let women get away with these things.

I've experienced being "in" at Majorstuen when I was working for someone and training at Frontline Academy. The same route that I was walking in was the area that I was told by the police that I was not welcome at during the next 24 hours.

I was told I was free to leave. When I turned around to put on my backpack the female security (whom I'd also met at Vinmonopolet at Colloseum Majorstuen) or the female police officer must have seen it. The male officer took it out and then told me since I had he'd have to search my body once more. He proceeded to pull down the zip at my jacket showing my body (I didn't have a t-shirt on) to all the people walking past - consciously trying to humiliate and/or punish me.

- Note her laughing smirk

08.07.24 18:00

Two security was waiting outside of Follestad, Majorstuen, after I'd "been in too long in the changing area". They blocked my walking path and asked to check my backpack and bag. I said no and they called the police.

The male police officer was one of the most reactive and violent so far in Oslo and his immediate response when he approached me was to get very close. When I backed he asked why I was aggressive. I got handcuffed. While I was handcuffed they asked me to take off my backpack which isn't possible and also did some strange things.

After the backpack was off they searched it and the female officer tried to check me/my body. When I said I didn't like female police touching me the male one did it instead. He fond and touched the t-shirt I'd taken from Follestad and let it be hidden. He told the security personelle that they couldn't find anything in my backpack or bag and that it most likely was a confusion/mistake.

I was told I was free to leave. When I turned around to put on my backpack the female security - whom I'd also met at Vinmonopolet at Colloseum Majorstuen (she and a colleague was also waiting for me outside and got "called in" by a male clerk working at Vinmonopolet.)

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