04.05.24 I was stopped by security at a grocery store for taking food worth 11 zloty. The police was called and since I only wanted to answer questions which I was legally obliged to answer and not other questions they deemed me uncooperative.
I was taken to the police station for 2 reasons; 1) theft of items worth 11 zlt and 2) for refusing to cooperate.
The police officers went through my personal belongings and found my notebook and binoculars. After a while they also found lots of small notes with foreign names and numbers.
I was offered to immediately leave if I "cooperate" by allowing them to cross my private boundaries which I replied "I want to speak to the embassy" to every question that was outside of their 'authority' to ask. "The Embassy is closed so you will have to wait until Monday. It's Saturday."
On Sunday I was interviewed by two guys who identified themselves as "Polish Secret Service" which whom I had to hand over my phone and give them my SIM-pin and 6-digit iPhone code. They had the phone until I left 06.05.24.
During the stay in the cell I mostly slept and also studied the room. I may have forgotten things that happened.
There was a specific color combination and I found it strange that there were tiles on the floor, just like in a bathroom.
The light was constantly turned on. After 1-2 days my eyes changed, and one eye perceived more red and the other more blue - just like 3D-glasses.