24. July - 26. July
05:25 On the 05:29 RE-train, track 5, train from København Hovedbanegård to Slagelse.
06:00 Conductor asked for a ticket. Said I'm going to Hamburg for a flight to New York and my wallet was stolen yesterday so I don't have a ticket. "So you're going to Germany?"
He offered/said he could write a ticket to the border, Padborg. Wrote down Rudi Darbo, 271289 and showed the passport.
07:00 Slagelse
On the IC70121 from Slagelse to Fredricia. 06:47, delay 06:57.
Arrived at 08:00.
Conductor scanned the ticket.
08:40 Fredricia
08:45 IC5755 to Flensburg arrives in Padborg 9.53.
08:50 Conductor approaching
10:10 Flensburg
RE7 to Hamburg Hbf leaving 10:15
10:25 Tarp
Thrown off the train by the conductor. "This is my Norwegian passport. I have a flight going at 16 from Hamburg. My wallet was stolen in Copenhagen yesterday."
"So you have no money?"
"I've got 3dkk, hehe."
"So you have no money or ticket"
"I have money, but my credit card is blocked."
"Get off at the next station. Now!"
11:10 Tarp
RE7 to Hamburg arriving 11:24
DB Kontrollmanagement parked by the tracks, 125m away from the bench at the station, and 2 men in orange dresses are at the tracks going to Flensburg.
A police car passed as I started nothing "DB Kontrollmanagement..." as well as when I arrived 10:30 and walked away from the staton.
They're now at the 'bom'.
Conductor told me to get off at the next station when I said "I've got no tcket and my wallet was stolen"
Changed his mind.
Told to leave 1st class to sit at the stairs or 2nd class.
13:25 Arriving at Hamburg Hbf
16:30 Hamburg University
The alarm at one of the libraries got triggered by the two RFID-cards from books. An old one.
The newer alarm at the main library didn't go off.
The two RFID's got disabled in Oslo at either BI Nydalen or at Asker. I think someone at the University in Oslo disabled them actually either close by or at distance.
Lots of students here.
Newspapers in Germany wrote and publshed a video of razzia against a mosque in Hamburg.
The first mosque I went to at 18-20 was basically empty. A caucasian guy in the basement with foreigners smoking and drinking coffee.
The second, at 22, was I not welcome at.
The third at 23 was strange and not conclusive.
At Hamburg Hbf
05:40 Sitting room at track 7-8. Woke up by a man snatching the bag I have and holding the blue jacket. The large backpack sat opposite and had obviously been opened. Thing could've been stolen.
25. July 2024
05:14 Hamburg Hbf
Sitting on ICE593 to München, planning to go off at Frankfurt Hbf 09:00
10:20 Frankfurt Main West
Went off at the wrong station. During the trip the train conductor spoke about Paris and sounded nervous; as if something had heppened.
A female train conductor asked for the ticket around 7-8. I said I've got no ticket and it was because my wallet was stolen yesterday.
She took the passport to a colleague and returned with him after a while. I got a ticket and was warned that if the ticket isn't paid within a couple of weeks there could be other consequences - referring to the unpaid ones from earlier travels.
11:50 Frankfurt am Main West
Sitting on ICE277 to Basel SSB. An hour or so delayed. Going off at Karlsruhe.
13:20 Karlsruhe
ICE9570 leaves 15:32 and arrives 18:16 at Gare de l'Est. Stops at Strasbourg.
15:40 Karlsruhe
Lots of construction going on in the town and a zoo close by the station.
Sitting on the train
16:35 Recently passed the German-French border and arriving/stopping at Strasbourg sono.
18:35 Paris Est
26. July 2024
11:30 Amiens
Sitting in the 'lounge' waiting area by the stairs to the train tracks. Been sleeping since 04:00. A 'family' of one female and male in their 40's or early 50's, and three boys. Maybe 12, 14, 18. With bicycles. I saw them here at the same station last time in March-April or September.
Paris, yesterday
Lots of people at the Gare and outside as well.
Police sirens were heard very often.
Walked to a Carrefour, on the way one police car (may've been 2) drove fast up the street with sirens.
Just as in Lviv/Lemberg.
Took at bottle of water at the store and was stopped by an Arican, 40s, on the way out.
Signaling to take the bottle out. I did. Then he continued; asking to take out the rest.
"You can call the police."
"The police?" he laughed and took out a steel-reinforced baseball bat.
I couldn't understand what he meant and he began closing the store; dragging the Coca-Cola machine in front of the entrance.
"STOP!" I said.
He told me to show the pockets and handbag. I said the handbag was locked with a key and had ben all the time. He went back and continued moving the machine and started pulling down the metal-fence.
I opened the bag and showed him; just papers.
"Where's the sardines?" he asked while the older African woman also came.
They were either trying to set me up, collapse me, scare me, trick me into selling out and giving them and others sexual energy or been tricked/structured themselves.
The guy went on the computer and rewinded the video of me walking around in the store. At one point I saw/felt a shift at the video where the energy of, I believe, Ingunn Tennbakk came up. May've been someone else like an older woman or Inga Helene Fossli. That's my guess/interpretation.
It seems to have started on the train to Paris when I sat on the chair all the way to the back to the left.A group of girls had reserved these seats and when I went up and walked down the aisle 1-2 girls intentionally touched me and a headache-migraine started.
About 60% into the travel I went from sitting in the entrance to the 1st class where a nazi-looking woman seemed to command the people and workers at DSB to attack me for the purpose of giving her the sexal energy that had ben transmitted through me to a girl in Hamburg.
12:45 Monoprix
Stopped by Security for taking protein bars.
Now calling police.
13:10 Waiting
A few people have been surprised for the need to pay and/or show their bags when entering/exiting as the alarm triggers. I've got 4 protein bars on me, the clerk took 1 and got the receipts.
Girls exploitng the energetic situation and the female clerks' facial sweat-glands activating.